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Chapter Eight | Vanilla Cupcake

August 22, 2011

~~A year later~~

Today was the girls birthdays, as well as Misty’s boyfriend Mint. We had a big pool party that went on for hours.

“Woo! Happy birthday girls!” I shouted.

“Happy birthday baby!” Misty smiled as she watched her boyfriend blow the candles out on his cake.

Misty grew up to be a beautiful young woman. She looked just like me!

“Waaaahhh!! Clay they are growing upp!!”

“Oh honey calm down…please..why can’t we pass one birthday without you crying?”

“I want them to stay little!”

Strawberry was up next. She was just as beautiful as I thought she would be.

Lastly was Misty’s boyfriend. He was very very handsome!

“Honey, follow me, I have something very important I want to ask you.” Mint said as he pulled Misty into a hug.

“Okay love.”

“Misty Rose. We have known each other for a year now. And you have made this the best year of my life. You are very special to me and I don’t know what I would do without you. I love you so so much, and I want you to know that.”

“Aww babe, I love you too!”

He then kneeled down in front of my daughter and pulled out a black box(from where I do not know.) Then he opened it to show the most beautiful diamond ring I had ever seen!

“Misty Rose Cupcake, I just know you are the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with! Marry me, please?”

“Oh my berry! Mint yes yes yes! A million times yes!”

He took the wedding ring out of the box and slid it onto her ring finger.

“You just made me the happiest man in the world!”

“Eeeeep! It’s so shiny and pretty!”

“Oh come here you!” Misty exclaimed as she pulled her fiance into a hug.

“Clay, please tell me you just saw what I just saw…”

“Oh I saw it all right.”

“This is..happening way too fast.”


I left my husband and marched over to my daughter…

“Young lady! This is all happening too fast for my liking. You just had your birthday for berrys sake! You could have waited just a little bit longer to get married!”

“Mom what’s your problem? I’m your daughter you’re supposed to be happy for me!”

“You don’t know what you are getting yourself into! I don’t think you two are ready to get married. Neither of you have jobs, so neither of you are making money. How do you plan to get a house?”

“I don’t know!”

“Exactly. I really think you should wait a little while.”

Poor Mint was just standing there watching his fiance and future mother-in-law bicker back and forth. Strawberry stopped her dancing and came running over to see what all the comotion was about.And Clay decided he would go  put Maroon to bed so he didn’t have to see the fighting.

I then stormed inside and sat in the living room. I didn’t understand why my daughter just couldn’t see that she was moving too fast with this boy.

After a good 10 minutes I heard footsteps and looked up to see Strawberry standing in the room.

“Mom..I really think you should have been nicer to Misty..”


“Mom come on! Stop acting like this! You should be happy that she’s getting married!”

“Is it just me that thinks they are moving too fast?”

“Last time I checked, yes. Now please go out there and make things right with her. Shes really upset…”

*sigh* “Fine.”

I ran into my room to change into some clothes before I went to apologise to Misty and Mint for the way I acted. When I walked back outside it was already light out and I saw Misty crying into Mints shoulder. A wave of guilt shot over me.They both looked so upset and heartbroken and it was all my fault..if only I had been happy for them.

“Honey can I talk to you for a moment..I want to apologise for my behavior earlier.”

“Err..I don’t know. You are kinda the last person I want to see at the moment mother.”

I felt my heart sink when those words slipped her lips. It hurt so badly, I really must have upset her..

“Darling’ please..I really want to say I’m sorry! I acted like a total berry hole to you both and I am really truly honestly sorry!”

“Mother, I want you to understand that it really hurt me and Mint when you flipped out on me. I thought you would be happy but instead I find out you aren’t. It was like my heart had been ripped out and stomped on. And don’t get me started on how Mint feels.”

“I understand sweetpea..and I am so so sorry I acted the way I did..I promise that from now on I’ll be happy for you. I cross my heart!”

She looked me in the eyes and smiled as she wrapped her arms around me in a hug. “Thank you mother..”


Note:Yay happy ending! Lol. Okay now I will be moving on to generation two! I’m so excited! 😀

7 Comments leave one →
  1. August 22, 2011 7:43 pm

    MistyMint <333333 Hehe Loved It, As Per Usual ❤

  2. August 23, 2011 12:37 am

    aww poor Vanilla – at least she managed to sort it out in the end :’)

  3. August 25, 2011 12:54 am

    They sure do grow up fast. I am glad the family is back together again.

    • KaylaSim permalink*
      August 25, 2011 2:36 am

      Haha, yeah they do. 😛

  4. MeMom permalink
    September 11, 2011 1:01 am

    I like happy endings!

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